Saturday, January 30, 2010

PNC :: Senator Respicio Comments on Day 1 of Legislative DEIS Hearings

PNC :: Senator Respicio Comments on Day 1 of Legislative DEIS Hearings

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Guam - Following the first of five nights of hearings scheduled at the Legislature on the military buildup’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Senator Rory Respicio said that the public’s negative sentiment toward the buildup is warranted.

Day one of the legislative hearings on the DEIS and the military buildup in general provided a forum for people to finally speak directly to several of their government leaders. Monday’s hearings were attended by the various education-related agencies who gave brief presentations of their work so far in reviewing the DEIS and made themselves available to answer questions from the public.

The panel of senators also answered as many questions as possible, but there is still an overwhelming sense of frustration because of the lack of information afforded to the general public.

“We were successful at creating an environment in which the people were able to engage their government whether through voicing their concerns or asking questions,” said Respicio. This is a massive military buildup which will change Guam and our island community forever.

Senator Respicio said that the military’s approach is wrong. “The DEIS should also address how the local community will be assisted, but it does not. If the military looks only to secure their needs inside the military base, is this really fair for our people?”

He continued, “We want our people to take advantage of this opportunity to engage their government, but to do so respectfully. As frustrated and passionate as we all may be, we are all trying to find the best way to handle this situation.

Written by : News Release

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