Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sign the Petition

Tinige' Si Sabina Flores Perez:

"Acceptance of the view that the US military is a provider and essential to thelocal economy often leads to acceptance and, even, support of increased militarybuild-up on Guam. However, accepting US policy of increased militarization putsGuam at a greater risk of being targeted by potential adversaries of the US. How does a community come to terms with this dual and conflicting reality? Howcan we make decisions that can ensure our survival not only in our daily livesbut, also, in the long term? This blog is dedicated to the Guam community toair their concerns arising from the Peace and Justice Petition in the hopes ofresolving issues and empowering the community and to the local and globalcommunities in order to exchange ideas and information in the hopes ofdeveloping and strengthening international solidarity."

To sign the petition for Peace and Justice for Guam and the Pacific head to this website

To download a paper copy and get signatures clink on this link

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