Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DEIS outlines training procedures on Tiyan

DEIS outlines training procedures on Tiyan

Monday, 28 December 2009 04:27
by Jude Lizama | Variety News Staff

THE proposed Tinian-based U.S. Marines training facilities cited in the draft environmental statement impact cites certain priorities for proper use and management focused on the areas including personnel, environmental and civilian safety.

According to the impact statement, the military would schedule any training activities one week in advance, and would also engage in public notification initiatives through the media.

Additionally, the draft study states that “biosecurity training would be coordinated through informal consultations,” with the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Wildlife Services, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources through regional training authority one-week prior to training events.

Environmental briefings, including brown tree snake control, would also be completed prior to departure.

Cultural resource briefing would be completed prior to departure. Authorized USDA inspectors would conduct inspection of supplies and equipment before such shipments bound for Tinian are to be cleared.

The construction of fences, security gates, and range flag poles would be constructed around designated training areas to ensure that necessary portions of the training site are “clear of non-participating personnel during live firing to avoid the potential for injury from ricochet or misdirected shots.”

The draft impact study also assumes that “access to the [military lease area] would be in accordance with Marine Corps safety regulations and would vary depending on the type of training activity that is being conducted. As an example, live-fire activities on proposed ranges would require limited access to the [lease area] on the eastern side of Tinian.”

Limitations to access and various security requirements would be “part of the standard operating procedures for all ranges. The extent of fencing has not been determined, but roads would be gated and range control personnel would survey the area for unauthorized people.

Available monitoring capabilities would be utilized to assure public safety during training events. Training units would have direct communications with range control, and would fly a large red flag when the [training area] is in use,” according to the study.

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